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상가건물 임대차보호법, 시행령 경매 공부

by 블루바이럴 야채토스트 2022. 8. 12.

상가건물 임대차보호법, 시행령 경매 공부

이 법은 상가건물 임대차에 관하여 「민법」에 대한 특례를 규정하여 국민 경제생활의 안정을 보장함을 목적으로 한다.

①이 법은 상가건물의 임대차에 대하여 적용한다. ②보증금액을 정할 때에는 해당 지역의 경제 여건 및 임대차 목적물의 규모 등을 고려하여 지역별로 구분하여 규정하되, 보증금 외에 차임이 있는 경우에는 그 차임액에 은행의 대출금리 등을 고려하여 대통령령으로 정하는 비율을 곱하여 환산한 금액을 포함하여야 한다.

제3조(대항력 등)
①임대차는 그 등기가 없는 경우에도 임차인이 건물의 인도와 부가가치세법에 따른 사업자등록을 신청하면 그 다음 날부터 제3자에 대하여 효력이 생긴다. ②임차건물의 양수인은 임대인의 지위를 승계한 것으로 본다.

제4조(확정일자 부여 및 임대차정보의 제공 등)
①확정일자는 상가건물의 소재지 관할 세무서장이 부여한다. ②관할 세무서장은 해당 상가건물의 소재지, 확정일자 부여일, 차임 및 보증금 등을 기재한 확정일자부를 작성하여야 한다. 이 경우 전산정보처리조직을 이용할 수 있다. ③상가건물의 임대차에 이해관계가 있는 자는 관할 세무서장에게 해당 상가건물의 확정일자 부여일, 차임 및 보증금 등 정보의 제공을 요청할 수 있다.

제5조(보증금의 회수)
①임차인이 임차건물에 대하여 보증금반환청구소송의 확정판결, 그 밖에 이에 준하는 집행권원에 의하여 경매를 신청하는 경우에는 반대의무의 이행이나 이행의 제공을 집행개시의 요건으로 하지 아니한다.

②대항요건을 갖추고 관할 세무서장으로부터 임대차계약서상의 확정일자를 받은 임차인은 민사집행법에 따른 경매 또는 국세징수법에 따른 공매 시 임차건물의 환가대금에서 후순위권리자나 그 밖의 채권자보다 우선하여 보증금을 변제받을 권리가 있다.

③임차인은 임차건물을 양수인에게 인도하지 아니하면 제2항에 따른 보증금을 받을 수 없다.

제9조(임대차기간 등)
①기간을 정하지 아니하거나 기간을 1년 미만으로 정한 임대차는 그 기간을 1년으로 본다. 다만, 임차인은 1년 미만으로 정한 기간이 유효함을 주장할 수 있다. ②임대차가 종료한 경우에도 임차인이 보증금을 돌려받을 때까지는 임대차 관계는 존속하는 것으로 본다.

제10조(계약갱신 요구 등)
①임대인은 임차인이 임대차기간이 만료되기 6개월 전부터 1개월 전까지 사이에 계약갱신을 요구할 경우 정당한 사유 없이 거절하지 못한다. 다음의 경우에는 그러하지 아니하다. 1.임차인이 3기의 차임액에 해당하는 금액에 이르도록 차임을 연체한 사실이 있는 경우 2.임차인이 거짓이나 그 밖의 부정한 방법으로 임차한 경우 3.서로 합의하여 임대인이 임차인에게 상당한 보상을 제공한 경우 〈생략〉

②임차인의 계약갱신요구권은 최초의 임대차기간을 포함한 전체 임대차기간이 10년을 초과하지 아니하는 범위에서만 행사할 수 있다.

③갱신되는 임대차는 전 임대차와 동일한 조건으로 다시 계약된 것으로 본다.

①권리금이란 임대차 목적물인 상가건물에서 영업을 하는 자 또는 영업을 하려는 자가 영업시설 · 비품, 거래처, 신용, 영업상의 노하우, 상가건물의 위치에 따른 영업상의 이점 등 유형 · 무형의 재산적 가치의 양도 또는 이용대가로서 임대인, 임차인에게 보증금과 차임 이외에 지급하는 금전 등의 대가를 말한다. ②권리금 계약이란 신규임차인이 되려는 자가 임차인에게 권리금을 지급하기로 하는 계약을 말한다.

제10조의4(권리금 회수기회 보호 등)
①임대인은 임대차기간이 끝나기 3개월 전부터 임대차 종료 시까지 다음 각 호의 어느 하나에 해당하는 행위를 함으로써 권리금 계약에 따라 임차인이 주선한 신규임차인이 되려는 자로부터 권리금을 지급받는 것을 방해하여서는 아니 된다.

③임대인이 제1항을 위반하여 임차인에게 손해를 발생하게 한 때에는 그 손해를 배상할 책임이 있다. 이 경우 그 손해배상액은 신규임차인이 임차인에게 지급하기로 한 권리금과 임대차 종료 당시의 권리금 중 낮은 금액을 넘지 못한다.

④임대인에게 손해배상을 청구할 권리는 임대차가 종료한 날부터 3년 이내에 행사하지 아니하면 시효의 완성으로 소멸한다.

제11조(차임 등의 증감청구권)
①차임 또는 보증금이 임차건물에 관한 조세, 공과금, 그 밖의 부담의 증감이나 경제 사정의 변동으로 인하여 상당하지 아니하게 된 경우에는 당사자는 장래의 차임 또는 보증금에 대하여 증감을 청구할 수 있다. 그러나 증액의 경우에는 대통령령으로 정하는 기준에 따른 비율을 초과하지 못한다. ②증액 청구는 임대차계약 또는 약정한 차임 등의 증액이 있은 후 1년 이내에는 하지 못한다.

제13조(전대차관계에 대한 적용 등)
②임대인의 동의를 받고 전대차계약을 체결한 전차인은 임차인의 계약갱신요구권 행사기간 이내에 임차인을 대위하여 임대인에게 계약갱신요구권을 행사할 수 있다.

제14조(보증금 중 일정액의 보호)
①임차인은 보증금 중 일정액을 다른 담보물권자보다 우선하여 변제받을 권리가 있다. ③우선변제를 받을 임차인 및 보증금 중 일정액의 범위와 기준은 임대건물가액의 2분의 1 범위에서 해당 지역의 경제 여건, 보증금 및 차임 등을 고려하여 대통령령으로 정한다.

법의 규정에 위반된 약정으로서 임차인에게 불리한 것은 효력이 없다.

제16조(일시사용을 위한 임대차)
이 법은 일시사용을 위한 임대차임이 명백한 경우에는 적용하지 아니한다.

제17조(미등기전세에의 준용)
목적건물을 등기하지 아니한 전세계약에 관하여 이 법을 준용한다. “전세금”은 “임대차의 보증금”으로 본다.




①상가건물 임대차보호법 제2조 제1항 단서에서 ‘대통령령으로 정하는 보증금액’이라 함은 다음 각호의 구분에 의한 금액을 말한다. 1.서울특별시 : 4억원 2.수도권정비계획법에 따른 과밀억제권역(서울특별시는 제외한다) : 3억원 3.광역시(수도권정비계획법에 따른 과밀억제권역에 포함된 지역과 군지역은 제외한다), 안산시, 용인시, 김포시 및 광주시 : 2억4천만원 4.그 밖의 지역 : 1억8천만원 ② ‘보증금 외에 차임이 있는 경우의 차임액’은 월 단위의 차임액으로 한다. ③ ‘대통령령으로 정하는 비율’이라 함은 1분의 100을 말한다.

제6조(우선변제를 받을 임차인의 범위)
법 제14조의 규정에 의하여 우선변제를 받을 임차인은 보증금과 차임이 있는 경우 법 제2조 제2항의 규정에 의하여 환산한 금액의 합계가 다음 각호의 구분에 의한 금액 이하인 임차인으로 한다. 1.서울특별시 : 6천500만원 2.수도권정비계획법에 따른 과밀억제권역 : 5천500만원 3.광역시, 안산시, 용인시, 김포시 및 광주시 : 3천8백만원 4.그 밖의 지역 : 3천만원

제7조(우선변제를 받을 보증금의 범위 등)
①우선변제를 받을 보증금중 일정액의 범위는 다음 각호의 구분에 의한 금액 이하로 한다. 1.서울특별시 : 2천200만원 2.수도권정비계획법에 따른 과밀억제권역 : 1천900만원 3.광역시, 안산시, 용인시, 김포시 및 광주시 : 1천300만원 4.그 밖의 지역 : 1천만원 ②임차인의 보증금중 일정액이 상가건물의 가액의 2분의 1을 초과하는 경우에는 상가건물의 가액의 2분의 1에 해당하는 금액에 한하여 우선변제권이 있다.


Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to ensure the stability of national economic life by prescribing special cases for the Civil Act on the lease of commercial buildings.

Article 2 (Scope of application)
①This Act applies to the lease of commercial buildings. ②When determining the amount of guarantee, it shall be classified by region in consideration of the economic conditions of the region, the size of the rental object, etc., but if there is a rent other than the deposit, the amount converted by multiplying the rate prescribed by Presidential Decree shall be included.

Article 3 (Counterforce, etc.)
①Even if the lease is not registered, if the lessee applies for the delivery of the building and business registration under the Value-Added Tax Act, it will become effective against a third party from the next day. ②The transferee of the leased building is deemed to have succeeded to the status of the lessor.

Article 4 (Assignment of a fixed date and provision of lease information, etc.)
①The fixed date shall be granted by the head of the competent tax office at the location of the commercial building. ②The head of the competent tax office shall prepare a fixed date book stating the location of the relevant commercial building, the date of granting the fixed date, rent, deposit, etc. In such cases, a computerized information processing system may be used. ③A person who has an interest in the lease of a commercial building may request the head of the competent tax office to provide information such as the date of grant of the fixed date of the relevant commercial building, rent, and deposit.

Article 5 (Recovery of Deposit)
①Where a lessee applies for an auction by a final and conclusive judgment of a lawsuit for the return of a deposit on a leased building or an equivalent execution right, the performance of the objection obligation or performance shall not be a requirement for the commencement of execution.

②A tenant who has met the counter requirements and received a fixed date on the lease contract from the head of the competent tax office has the right to reimburse the deposit in preference to the subordinate right or other creditors in the exchange price of the leased building under the Civil Execution Act or the National Tax Collection Act.

③The lessee shall not receive a deposit under paragraph (2) unless the leased building is delivered to the transferee.

Article 9 (Leasing Period, etc.)
①For leases that do not set a period or set a period of less than one year, the period shall be regarded as one year. However, the lessee can claim that the period set for less than one year is valid. ②Even if the lease is terminated, the lease relationship is considered to remain until the tenant receives the deposit back.

Article 10 (Request for renewal of contract, etc.)
①The lessor cannot refuse without justifiable grounds if the lessee requests the renewal of the contract between six months before the expiration of the lease period and one month before the expiration of the lease period. This is not the case in the following cases. 1. Where the lessee has overdue the rent to the amount equivalent to the third term's rent. 2. Where the lessee has leased it by false or other improper means. 3. Where the lessor has agreed to provide substantial compensation to the lessee

②The lessee's right to request renewal of the contract may be exercised only to the extent that the entire lease period, including the initial lease period, does not exceed 10 years.

③The renewed lease shall be deemed to have been re-contracted under the same conditions as the previous lease.

Article 10-3 (Rights and Interests)
①The premium refers to the transfer or use of tangible and intangible property values, such as business facilities, equipment, customers, credit, business know-how, and business benefits according to the location of the shopping building, and the price paid to the lessor and the tenant in addition to the deposit and rent. ②A premium contract refers to a contract in which a person who intends to become a new tenant pays the premium to the tenant.

Article 10-4 (Protection of opportunities for recovery of rights, etc.)
①A lessor shall not interfere with the payment of the premium from a person who intends to become a new lessee arranged by the lessee under the premium contract by performing any of the following acts from three months before the end of the lease period to the end of the lease:

③If the lessor violates paragraph (1) and causes damage to the lessee, he/she is responsible for compensating for the damage. In this case, the amount of damages shall not exceed the lower amount of the premium to be paid to the lessee by the new lessee and the premium at the time of termination of the lease.

④The right to claim damages from the lessor shall expire upon the completion of the prescription unless exercised within three years from the date the lease ends.

Article 11 (Right to claim an increase or decrease in rent, etc.)
①If the rent or deposit is not significant due to the increase or decrease in taxes, utility bills, or other burdens on the leased building or changes in economic circumstances, the party may request an increase or decrease for the future rent or deposit. However, in the case of an increase, the ratio according to the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree cannot be exceeded. ②The request for an increase shall not be made within one year after the increase in the lease contract or the agreed rent, etc.

Article 13 (Application to sublease relationship, etc.)
②A streetcar who has entered into a sublease contract with the consent of the lessor may exercise the right to request renewal of the contract to the lessor on behalf of the lessee within the period of exercise of the lessee's right to request renewal.

Article 14 (Protection of a certain amount of deposit)
①The lessee has the right to reimburse a certain amount of the deposit in preference to other security real rights holders. ③The scope and standard of a certain amount among tenants and deposits to be reimbursed for priority shall be determined by Presidential Decree in consideration of the economic conditions, deposits, and rent of the area within 1/2 of the rental building price.

Article 15 (Procedural Provisions
Any agreement that violates the provisions of the law and is disadvantageous to the lessee has no effect.

Article 16 (Leases for temporary use)
This Act does not apply where it is obvious that the lease is for temporary use.

Article 17 (Application Mutatis Mutandis to Unregistered Jeonse)
This Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to all contracts for which the target building has not been registered. The term "rental deposit" shall be deemed to be "a deposit on the lease".


Article 2 (Scope of application)
①In the proviso to Article 2 (1) of the Commercial Building Lease Protection Act, the term "guarantee amount prescribed by Presidential Decree" means the amount according to the following classifications: 1. Seoul Metropolitan Government: 400 million won 2. Overcrowded areas under the Seoul Metropolitan Area Improvement Plan Act (excluding areas and counties included in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Improvement Plan Act), Ansan City, Yongin City, Gimpo City, and Gwangju City: 240 million won 4. Other areas: 180 million won ' Rent per month. ③ The term "ratio prescribed by Presidential Decree" means 100/100.

Article 6 (Scope of tenants who will receive preferential reimbursement)
A lessee who will receive preferential reimbursement under Article 14 of the Act shall be a lessee whose total amount converted under Article 2 (2) of the Act is less than or equal to the amount under each of the following subparagraphs, if there is a deposit and rent. 1. Seoul Metropolitan Government: 65 million won 2. Overcrowded control area: 55 million won 3. Metropolitan City, Ansan City, Yongin City, Gimpo City and Gwangju City: 38 million won 4. Other areas: 30 million won

Article 7 (Scope, etc. of Security Deposit to Receive Priority Payment)
①The scope of a certain amount of the deposit to be reimbursed for priority shall be less than or equal to the amount classified as follows: 1. Seoul Metropolitan Government: 22 million won 2. Overcrowded area: 19 million won 3. Metropolitan City, Ansan City, Yongin City, Gimpo City, and Gwangju City: 13 million won 4. Other areas: 10 million won 임 If a certain amount of deposit exceeds 1/2 of the value of the commercial building, there is a priority.
