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폰뱅킹 뜻, 간단하게 알아 봅시다

by 블루바이럴 야채토스트 2022. 7. 14.

이 시스템은 은행에 직접 가지 않고 전화로 은행과 거래할 수 있습니다. 일반 가정에서 통상적인 은행거래를 하는 것을 '홈뱅킹(home banking)'이라고 하는데 신분증, 도장, 인터넷통장을 들고 가까운 거래은행에서 신청하면 계좌번호, 예금계좌 비밀번호, 모바일뱅킹 비밀번호, 주민등록번호만 알면 이용이 가능합니다. 모바일뱅킹 비밀번호는 전화를 이용해 본인이 원할 때 수시로 변경할 수 있어 보안에 유리하고 거래은행 계좌 간 송금과 타행 송금이 가능합니다.

모바일뱅킹에 가입한 거래은행 계약기관에 따라 각종 공과금은 물론 백화점 카드대출, 아파트관리비, 각종 회비, 대출이자 자동이체 신청 및 해지를 납부할 수 있으며, 서비스 이용 수수료는 은행 창구 이용 시와 동일합니다.


The system allows you to do business with a bank by phone without going directly to the bank. It is called "home banking" when ordinary households make bank transactions, and if you apply at a nearby transaction bank with your ID, seal, and Internet account, you can use it only if you know your account number, deposit account password, mobile banking password, and resident registration number. The mobile banking password can be changed from time to time using the phone, which is advantageous for security and allows remittances between bank accounts and other bank transfers.

Depending on the contracting institution of the transaction bank that subscribes to mobile banking, you can pay various utility bills, department store card loans, apartment management fees, membership fees, and automatic transfer of loan interest.
